当你在萨斯奎汉纳大学注册时, you’ll be paired with an advisor and application tool to guide you in your course planning and scheduling. 以下是节选自 完整课程目录. Enrolled students follow the 需求 of the course catalog for the academic year in which they declare each major and/or minor, 咨询他们的导师和学生 学术策划工具.
学生s typically enroll in one Honors course during each of their eight semesters at Susquehanna. 学生必须在所有荣誉课程中获得C-或更高的成绩. 所有荣誉课程都满足核心课程要求的特定组合. 只有荣誉学生可以注册荣誉课程.
参加荣誉课程的学生必须保持总平均成绩为3分.在萨斯奎哈纳,每学期40人. 如果学生在任何荣誉课程中获得低于C-的成绩, 学生, 由主任决定, 会自动从荣誉课程中除名吗. 项目主任在每学期结束时审查学生的gpa. 如果荣誉学生的平均绩点低于3分.40级,学生将收到警告信. 第二学期成绩低于3分.平均绩点达到40级,学生就会被开除.
在第一年, 学生必须成功完成HONS-100 认为, 哪个侧重于思想及其表达, 以及以下内容之一:HONS-200思想与文明, an interdisciplinary look at literature and cultures; HONS-210 认为 and The 艺术, which focuses on Western aesthetics as seen in varied artistic forms; or HONS-230 Analytical 认为-Logic, 这门课程考察符号逻辑作为科学方法的生成认识论.
在大二的时候, students must successfully complete either HONS-240 思想与社会多样性 or HONS-250 《思想与自然科学, 哪些提供跨学科的方法. 高二荣誉学生还必须成功完成HONS-260和HONS- 261, 大二学生座谈会, in which they engage with an interdisciplinary view of a chosen theme and write a reflection-portfolio.
作为初中, students must successfully complete eight semester hours from a series of HONS-301 seminars that foster interdisciplinary engagement. 如果所选课程是学生专业的一部分, 学生必须向荣誉项目主任提交一份“荣誉级合同”,说明, 咨询教练, 荣誉学生的课程作业与其他学生的作业有何不同. Since some HONS-301 seminars are occasionally offered as electives that do not fulfill Central 课程 需求, students need to check individual course descriptions for Central 课程 categories and communicate with the 荣誉项目 Director for any needed equivalency adjustment.
荣誉课程在荣誉研究项目中达到高潮, an experiential learning project that applies an interdisciplinary frame to a topic chosen by 学生. 研究项目必须至少持续两个学期(两门课程), 每人最少1先令), 并且可能是围绕学生的顶点项目建立的. 学生s may register for HONS-450 after completion of 大二学生座谈会 (以260年+以261年), 项目建议书被荣誉项目主任正式接受后, 这需要确保一个学术研究导师. 研究项目的结论必须包括公开陈述, 通常是在荣誉计划组织的论坛上.
荣誉课程将其课程与中心课程要求保持一致, 然而, Honors courses fulfill Honors Learning Goals that follow guidelines from the National Collegiate Honors Council. 荣誉学生, the manner in which Central 课程 需求 are fulfilled may differ from the manner in which Central 课程 需求 are defined in the course catalog. Honors students enrolling in Central 课程 courses should consider whether or not to select Honors options to fulfill those 需求. A student who completes the 需求 of the 荣誉项目 also fulfills the interdisciplinary requirement of the Central 课程. 学生s with special concerns about their programs should seek additional advising from the Director and/or Associate Director of the 荣誉项目.